We are a grassroots, not-for-profit, community organization with a mission to advocate for, and promote the creation of the Hudson River Greenway in the Bronx.

While our community has made substantive progress toward that end, as we reflect on the path we have taken, it occurs to us that our greatest achievement has been in reaching a consensus … a rarity in these contentious times. Our community demanded an all waterfront Greenway and that’s precisely what the MTA determined was feasible after an exhaustive study was completed last year.
And while the cost is significant when viewed in totality, like other similar projects (i.e. the Bronx River Greenway), it will be completed in eminently affordable phases. By the time shovels dig into the ground, the project will have been supported by a myriad of community leaders and stakeholders, including some that once opposed it.
Next up: secure funding for an engineering study.
As the new chair of Friends of the Hudson River Greenway in the Bronx, I will be working with community organizations like KRVC that are dedicated to the cause, supporting the work of Community Board 8 and reaching out to a wide range of individuals and groups that can assist us in getting the job done.
What seemed like science fiction ten years ago is now within our reach. The next time you head down to our River (not the easiest of feats for many in our community), please consider ways you can support the effort (advocate, donate, educate, volunteer) and start to envision our waterfront that includes a Greenway for all to enjoy .

Cliff Stanton, Chair
Friends of the Hudson River Greenway in The Bronx